Brisbane Sporting Car Club is one of Queensland’s oldest car clubs. The first meeting of the club was held in the lounge room of one of the pioneers of the club in October 1952.
About 11 people attended that first meeting and elected the club’s first President George Woolnough plus other office bearers including the first secretary Reg Foreman.
The club has been CAMS (Confederation of Australian Motorsport) affiliated since 1954.
BSCC is not marque specific so passionate car lovers with any brand or variety are encouraged to join the club.
We also encourage competitors, officials and general motorsport enthusiasts ; whether activity involved or not to join the club for the many different aspects the club offers.
The Club hosts a variety of events including Club level, Multi-club and State Championship Rallies, Multi-club & State Off-Road Racing Championship events plus Touring Road Events and Social Car runs.
We offer education and training for new & existing competitors plus a variety of training for officials from entry level through to State Championship Clerk of Course positions.
You can be involved in :
- Rally
- Off Road Racing
- Officialdom
- Social events
- Or just come and watch any of our events
Your involvement can be as active as you want it to be.
The club currently has over 280 members from all walks of life and all age groups but all share the same excitement about motorsport.
BSCC management is administered by the current sitting Board Members and is a not-for-profit organisation. The Board of the Club administers all financial, sporting aspects plus the general day to day running of such a big club. The Board is made up of current members and consists of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and a number of Board Members who look after different portfolios.
We also have a part-time Administrator who is at the club rooms in Banyo every Tuesday & Thursday – refer to contact information for hours of opening.
You’re welcome to pop in or contact us to become involved.